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Nsim Learns to Cast

Many of the children were amused to see the worms wriggle around in the cup as the old fisherman talked.

Worms are not very tasty unless you are a fish. But fish can be very tasty in a stew or fried in a pan. Today, I will show you how to catch a fish with a worm.

He pulled out a long worm and the children watched as it tried to escape but the fisherman held it just so. He then picked up a string with a hook on the end and pierced the worm in several places so it would not come off in the water.

He picked up the pole that held the fishing line, lifted it over his head and easily cast it into the lake. It seemed far away and the children watched as he slowly pulled the line back to shore. Suddenly, the pole bent slightly and the fisherman gave the line a pull. From the movement of the pole, the children knew he had a fish.

As it neared the shore, a big plamu (salmon) jumped from the water and wondered why his mouth hurt and why he was being taken out of the water. He did not wonder long. The fisherman grabbed the salmon behind the gills and removed the hook. Then hePage Name took the fish by the tail and smashed it against a nearby rock.

One or two of the children were upset over his cruelty until he spoke. "I know it seems harsh to take fish from his home and kill him but that is the way of the world. Worms eat tiny things we do not see. Fish eat worms. We eat fish."

You are here because you said you wanted to help the village by fishing. If you can bait a hook, cast a line and catch a fish, you can. If you are ill or saddened, perhaps you should try gathering vegetables or cooking or making tools.

It is no disgrace to say you can not do this as long as there is something else you can do.

Several of the children looked at the worms and fish and started back to the village. A few others were confused. But nsim, niece of the fisherman, just smiled.

After a few more fish, the fisherman set the pole down and pointed to it. First was TenĂ­; son of the man who made arrows and tmi'gn; a battle axe. He had no difficulty holding the worm even though it wriggled and started oozing slime. His hook made several passes through the worm and the fisherman smiled. Then he cast the line into the lake and slowly drew it back. There were no nibbles. Several times, he threw the line and several times had no fish.

The boy seemed both angry and sad. On his last cast, there was a nibble. He pulled on the pole as the fisherman had done and pulled in a smaller fish. It took a while to remove the hook and kill the fish but he finally stood, smiling.

His catch was more of a snack than a meal but any cat will tell you that several snacks are equal to a meal.

Niece took the pole and grabbed the liveliest worm. She jabbed the hook into the worm in several places and it did not have time to spit up slime. She was very grateful for that. She did not like worms. She then cast the rod with such strength that it passed the fisherman in distance.

She quickly pulled the line to shore in no time but could tell from her uncle's eyes that it was too quick for fish.

Again she cast the worm further into the lake but this time drew it more slowly. Not long after, she felt a nibble on the line. And then the pole started to wobble. She pulled on the line so hard, a huge fish came sailing out of the water right up to the shore. It smashed on the rocks and it was easy to remove the hook.

When she looked at TenĂ­, he looked amazed at her fish but when she looked at uncle, he seemed sad. He looked at her and said, "you have much strength and that is always useful. Sadly, fishing is not one of those times". It was a difficult thing for nklamuksis (uncle) to say to nsim (niece) but necessary. She was very talented as he could tell. But he also asked the spirits that she not know her true strength until she was older.

For some time, she tried other things. She cooked but hated the heat. She gathered but hated the bending. One day she decided to hunt. She took a bow and some arrows to the woods. She knew she was not good. Why could she not fish? She could cast into the lake further than anyone?

She thought of not even going back but some noises sounded unfamiliar. She started running until she cleared the last batch of trees. As she looked around, there was chaos. Suddenly, she knew why. A bear and her two children were roaring near the trees across from her. The bear looked angry and fearful for her children. Even worse, she looked very hungry.

Nsim ran to uncle but he was already injured. He pointed to the battle axe and said, "Cast as far into the lake as you can.". She picked it up and thought of catching a fish. She let the axe go with both hands and threw with all her might. The huge mother bear dropped to the ground, dead.

There was a big feast that night. First, it was to give thanks that so few were injured. Everyone also laughed at the idea that bear thought they were her supper and now, she was theirs.

But it mostly celebrated Nsim finding her role. She could cast better than anyone. And she did not need any nasty worms.

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